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Longest Subarray with a Sum Constraint

Image from Unsplash by Jamson Tran
Image from Unsplash by Jamson Tran

From EPI:

Given an array of numbers A and a key k, find the length of the longest subarray whose sum is less than or equal to k.

A = [431, -15, 639, 342, -14, 565, -924, 635, 167, -70]
k = 184

Output: 4 # sum(A[3:7]) <= 184

Our last encounter with a longest subarray / subsequence-type problem was in Longest Non-contiguous, Non-decreasing Subsequence. In that problem, we used a sorted collection to keep track of (and update) multiple candidate sequences as we moved through the list of numbers.

This time, however, it’s less likely that we’ll require a sorted collection. We’re trying to find a contiguous collection of elements, so it’s probable that whatever subarray-specific information we need can be pre-determined in linear time.

Computing Prefix Sums

In a previous article, we explored how prefix sums can be useful in allowing us to quickly derive subarray sums.

def find_longest_subarray_less_equal_k(A, k):
    if not A:
        return 0

    n = len(A)
    prefix_sums = [A[0]]
    for i in range(1, n):
        prefix_sums.append(prefix_sums[-1] + A[i])

    def get_psum(i):
        # Handle the case where i == -1
        # (i.e. sum of empty prefix)
        return 0 if i == -1 else prefix_sums[i]

    # ...

We can compute the sum of a subarray A[i:j+1] by subtracting get_psum(i-1) from get_psum(j).

However, even with a prefix_sums array, we can’t solve this question efficiently. Running through every possible (i, j) will still take O(n^2) time. Is it possible for us to precompute more information so that, for every (i, j), we can quickly determine whether we can discount subsequent j values (i.e. j+1, j+2n-1) and move on to the next i?

Computing Minimum Prefix Sums

Let’s take a look at the following input:

k: 30

Index:             0   1   2    3   4   5
Values:          [10, 15, 20, -30, 25, 25]
Prefix Sums:     [10, 25, 45,  15, 40, 45]

Let’s suppose we’re currently considering (0, 1) as a candidate for the longest subarray. We see that A[0:2] abides by the sum constraint (since 25 <= k), but it’s not clear to us if we should:

  • Option 1: Evaluate (0, 2) (i.e. A[0:3]) in our next iteration
  • Option 2: Evaluate (1, 1) (i.e. A[1:2]) in our next iteration

If you look ahead at the prefix sums that come after prefix_sums[1], you’ll notice that some of them are smaller than prefix_sums[1].

This is important. It tells us that, beyond j = 1, there are still subarrays A[0:j+1] that continue to abide by the sum constraint. Thus, we should pursue Option 1 and further explore subsequent indices of j while keeping i = 0 as the starting index.

This act of looking ahead is a linear time operation, but we can reduce it to constant time by defining a min_prefix_sums array. Specifically, min_prefix_sums[i] tells us the minimum prefix sum seen in prefix_sums[i:]:

min_prefix_sums = [prefix_sums[-1]]

for i in range(len(prefix_sums)-2, -1, -1):
        min(min_prefix_sums[-1], prefix_sums[i])

min_prefix_sums = min_prefix_sums[::-1]

In this light, it doesn’t actually matter if the exact subarray A[i:j+1] satisfies the sum constraint! With min_prefix_sums, we’re able to deduce whether or not there exists some value l such that l >= j and A[i:l+1] does indeed satisfy the sum constraint.

To proceed with above example: We can continue to increment j and evaluate j = 2 and j = 3, since we know that their minimum prefix sums are less than k = 30:

k: 30

Index:             0   1   2    3   4   5
Values:          [10, 15, 20, -30, 25, 25]
Prefix Sums:     [10, 25, 45,  15, 40, 45]
Min Prefix Sums: [10, 15, 15,  15, 40, 45]

Once j == 4 (i.e. A[0:5]), we’ll find that our sum constraint cannot be fulfilled any further, because the minimum prefix sum from j = 4 and beyond is 40. At this stage, we’ll want to increment i instead, because we’ve exhausted all the possible candidate subarrays for i = 0. Our next iteration would thus be for (1, 4) (i.e. A[1:5]).

From Intuition to Code

Let’s spell out the logic described above:

def find_longest_subarray_less_equal_k(A, k):

    # Get prefix sums and min_prefix_sums
    # ...

    longest = 0
    i = j = 0
    while i < len(A) and j < len(A):
        # If sum constraint is satisfied,
        # update return value
        if min_prefix_sums[j] - get_psum(i-1) <= k:
            longest = max(longest, j - (i-1))
            j += 1
            i += 1

    return longest

It’s worth highlighting here that instead of subtracting get_psum(i-1) from get_psum(j), we’re subtracting it from min_prefix_sums[j]. To reiterate, this is because we’re only concerned with the minimum prefix sum from j and beyond, rather than the actual prefix sum at j.

Given an array of n numbers, our algorithm runs in O(n) space and O(n) time.

With that, we’ve solved the Longest Subarray with a Sum Constraint problem 🧱🛹🧱.

def find_longest_subarray_less_equal_k(A, k):

    # Get prefix sums
    prefix_sums = [A[0]]
    for i in range(1, len(A)):
        prefix_sums.append(prefix_sums[-1] + A[i])

    def get_psum(i):
        return 0 if i == -1 else prefix_sums[i]

    # Get min prefix sums
    min_prefix_sums = [prefix_sums[-1]]
    for i in range(len(prefix_sums)-2, -1, -1):
            min(min_prefix_sums[-1], get_psum(i))
    min_prefix_sums = min_prefix_sums[::-1]

    # Traverse through A
    longest = 0
    i = j = 0
    while i < len(A) and j < len(A):
        if min_prefix_sums[j] - get_psum(i-1) <= k:
            longest = max(longest, j - (i-1))
            j += 1
            i += 1

    return longest