Reverse the nodes of a linked list, k at a time, and return the modified list.
ReadFind the longest non-contiguous, non-decreasing subsequence in an array of numbers.
ReadGiven n points on a 2D plane, find the maximum number of points that lie on the same straight line.
ReadGiven a string, split it into as few strings as possible such that each string is a palindrome.
ReadYou are given a binary tree in which each node contains an integer value. Find the number of paths that sum to a given value. The path does not need to start or end at the root or a leaf.
ReadI embark on a month-long journey to blog about one interesting algorithmic problem a day. I start by diving into the commonly-feared Alien Dictionary problem.
ReadA circle of individuals are about to executed. With the help of some recursive Python, you can predict who will be the last person standing.