Web Development

Composition Events

I examine an oft-overlooked issue relating to browser input elements and typing methods for Chinese characters.


Teaching Kids to Code

I reflect on the time I spent volunteering as a teaching assistant at Code In The Community and consider some important learning outcomes for students.


Implementing a Constant Time Least Frequently Used (LFU) Cache with Python

A walkthrough of how you can write a Least Frequently Used (LFU) cache with Python, while keeping your put and set operations within constant time.

Web Development

Assembling Robust Web Chat Applications with JavaScript: An In-depth Guide

A practical deep-dive into how you can write complex web chat UIs effectively with some of the best JavaScript tools out there.


Acing Your Front-End Coding Interview at Carousell

I deconstruct what Carousell's front-end candidates need to know in order to succeed at our interviews.
