Web Development

Web Infrastructure

AWS Cognito and IAM for Front-End Developers

A walkthrough of how AWS' Cognito and Identity and Access Management (IAM) services can be used by front-end developers to manage authentication and authorization.


Identity and Access Management with AWS

A collection of learnings on AWS' Identity and Access Management (IAM) service.


Werewolf: A New Neo-Noir VSCode Theme

A review of my experience shipping a new theme for VSCode.

Web Development

First Impressions of Vue: A React Developer's Perspective

Some notes on what it's like to step outside of the realm of React to work with Vue.

Web Development

Warcraft III and Web Development

I take a short break from web development to fiddle with Warcraft III's World Editor.


Implementing Async/Await using JavaScript Generators

We'll make generators in JavaScript run like async/await functions.


Creating a Cyclic Carousel with JavaScript and CSS

A quick walkthrough of how you can create a carousel component which loops through a single list of images multiple times.


Wrapping and Truncating Overflowing Text with CSS

A consistent approach to using white-space, overflow-wrap, word-break, and various text formatting properties in CSS.
